Is a CSA for you?


Joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a great way to support small farms in your local area. By keeping things local, you reduce your foods footprint on the environment. We don’t have to wrap things in plastic to keep them fresh or use a bunch of cardboard to ship it across the country. Fresh produce also lasts longer, so that means less food waste from spoilage. Produce from The Good Earth Farm is generally picked less than 24 hours before it gets to you. Our share boxes are heavy duty waxed cardboard which we reuse each week. You pick up a box one week and we swap it out the next. 

Typical CSA share

Noah and Savannah with a typical share mid-season. We usually have extra sweet corn at the pick up spots if you want to have more.

Fresh + Local

We grow our produce to serve our CSA customers first.  We limit the number of shares that we sell so we can pick, wash (if necessary), and package the day that we deliver. This means you are getting the best of what we pick.  We don’t have to decide between our CSa customers and farmer’s market stand. If we do have extra produce, we will sell it on the farm, but only after we have fill our shares.


We like to keep the CSA simple: one size share that’s designed for a veggie loving family. What you get in the share changes depending on what is ripe that week, but you will almost always get a few of the staples like onions, kale, potatoes, and cucumbers. Once tomatoes and peppers are ready, you will get a generous supply of those too. This is what a typical share looks like in the middle of the season. We also grow melons, sweet corn, pumpkins, a wide variety of winter and summer squash, sweet corn, and more. Things we don’t grow we call the ranch dressing vegetables: lettuces, spinach, carrots, and celery. I am going to give cauliflower another chance this year. We will see how that goes!

Farmer Nancy here! I would love to be your farmer.

Farmer Nancy here! I would love to be your


We have several pick-up locations in Sioux Falls and Lennox, which are (hopefully) places you are visiting anyway: JJ’s Wine and Spirits, WoodGrain Brewing & The Co-Op in Sioux Falls, and Active Faith Chiropractic in Lennox. The last share of the season is what we call our Harvest Day. This is when you get to harvest whatever is left in fields. It’s one of the best days of the year!

Good for the Land

We are committed to leaving the land better than when we found it. Jeff and I started The Good Earth Farm in 2011. We use sustainable growing practices that are healthy for the soil, the farmers, and animals that call the farm home. This means that things may take a little more work and may not always look like a magazine cover. 

Our Farm Family

We are also committed to teaching future farmers through our internship program. During our 12 growing seasons we’ve had 15 full time interns and over 75 WWOOFers spend time with us. Almost all of our interns have gone on to work in our food systems--some now have their own farms, some run food programs, and all of them have had an impact on us. As a CSA member, you are an integral part of this. You become part of our farm family. 

farm to table


Planting your Garden


Farm to “I Do”